Thursday, March 13, 2008

~ EnD a FrIEndShIP ~

Have you ever think of ending a friendship with anyone? To be honest, I did think of it before. It’s very stupid for me to think so. Furthermore, I even thought of I’ll be more happy if I end the friendship with my friend. But I might be loosing 2 friends at once if I do so. I’m so selfish and never think of what they think. That’s not me! Oh my god, I must be crazy and out of my mind!

What makes me think of ending the friendship? It may be because there’s something that I still can’t accept it. May be I can accept it when time passes. But I think it might take a very long time for me to accept it. I understand that we had gone through many things before. I appreciate it so much! May be you all may think that I’m ‘small gas’. But have you all thought of it deeply by standing at my side. Then, you all will know how I feel of the upset and disappointment. I don’t think I’ll continue to type this passage anymore because it may causes some troubles or conflicts if I continue it. I don’t hope to see so happen!

Actually is extremely hard to end a friendship with anyone especially your good friend. May be I won’t ask for help or anything anymore. I’ll always try my best to help myself. I’ll protect myself from getting sad and hurt. Because I want to be the cheerful me and no longer sad anymore. My tears is going to dry up if I keep crying everyday and is just like ‘one liter of tears’. Because I’ve so many problems in this semester that causes the tears can’t stop flowing.

Do you think that I want to be so? No! I was affected by the surrounding, by it happens around me every moment. Disappointed and sadness are also apart of it that are also affecting me. May be one day you all may found out that I’m no longer that person you all anymore.

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