Friday, October 31, 2008

~ LiFe iN NeW HouSe ~

I’m no longer as talkative as last time anymore ever since I shifted to my new house a month ago. Slowly and slowly I’m returning back to last time the quiet me who even can didn’t talk for a few months when I first entered my secondary school. Never judge a book from its cover. No one knows how I actually feel now and nobody expect I will become like this. Although I always smile and laugh, but am I really smile and laugh from bottom of my heart? Does it matter? May be it doesn’t matter. So long as I always bring happiness to people then my life sure will be more meaningful and wonderful.

I’m more easily happy than sad. I can even laugh when people scolded me. What I laugh for? Actually I always laugh at my own mistakes then after that, I will change it and avoid from repeating the same mistake again. Furthermore, I also laugh myself when I fell down though is embarrassing. You may think that I’m crazy but actually I’m not because that’s me, Sjhvaun Khong Yi Yin. You will know me better when you get to know me.

Oh no! I’m out of topic. Ok, return to the main topic, ‘life in my new house’. Do I feel lonely at home? Honestly, yes, sometimes I do feel lonely. Sometimes my housemates and roommate may think that I’m weird. My life is just study and nothing other than that. Normally, I prefer to stay back in library to study or do homework after class. This habit had occurred since last semester where by I dislike go home mainly because I didn’t want to go home to see my ex-roommate. That time may be because I couldn’t stand of her strange attitude. But I cannot deny saying that I don’t have attitude problem. I believe that I also have some attitude problems sometimes. Although how worst was the situation, I still will share all my problems with my previous roommate once I back from college regardless of happy or sad things, I still will tell. But now, I never even share my problems neither with my new roommate nor housemates. I never talk or talk extremely less once I back home nowadays. I rather keep all my problems in the deep bottom of my heart also I won’t say out. May be because I don’t get along with them, I always stay in my own room once I back home. What I’m doing in my room? Watch series or anime or study or do homework. Mostly, I will just do homework and study by listening songs. That’s my life! Actually I have a quite close friend in my current house. But I don’t know why I talk less or even don’t talk nowadays. I really don’t know why. Whenever I face difficulty, I will think of all sorts of ways to settle it myself and I never ask for my housemates or roommate’s help. One of the reason of always be in my room may be because of I think that I have my own life and they have their own life. Everyone has their own freedom and own life. And that’s why I never inform anyone, not even my roommate about where I went and what time I’m going back although sometimes I do go home late.

So, believe or not, that’s the yi yin in the new house. And that’s my life in my new house.

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lis vespera said...
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